API documentation

Contact field types


A contact can have as many contact fields as possible. Each contact field has a type: a phone number, email address, Twitter profile, Telegram nickname, etc... Each one of these means of communication is called a Contact Field Type. A contact can have as many contact field types as necessary.

Contact field types are account wide, and will be applied to all contacts. Also, if a contact field type is deleted, Monica will delete all the Contact Field objects that have the deleted contact field type associated with it.

A contact field type can have an icon. This icon will be displayed next to the contact field. It has to be a FontAwesome icon and the data we need is the class name of this icon (like fa fa-envelope-open-o for instance).

A contact field type can also have a protocol. The protocol is used to make the contact field clickable and launch whatever protocol the contact field type has. For instance, if the contact field type is a phone number, the protocol will be tel:. We'll add this when displaying the phone number, in order for the browser to know which actions it should take when the user clicks on it.

A contact field type can be delible, meaning that it's impossible to delete it. This concept exists because in the case of an import of data for instance, vCard assumes you have a phone number and an email address fields. Moreover, as the name of a contact field type can change, the type column is there to indicate the type of contact field.

List all the contact field types in an account

GET /contactfieldtypes/


  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "object": "contactfieldtype",
      "name": "Email",
      "fontawesome_icon": "fa fa-envelope-open-o",
      "protocol": "mailto:",
      "delible": false,
      "type": "email",
      "account": {
        "id": 1
      "created_at": "2017-11-22T12:51:10Z",
      "updated_at": "2017-11-22T12:51:10Z"
      "id": 2,
      "object": "contactfieldtype",
      "name": "Phone",
      "fontawesome_icon": "fa fa-volume-control-phone",
      "protocol": "tel:",
      "delible": false,
      "type": "phone",
      "account": {
        "id": 1
      "created_at": "2017-11-22T12:51:10Z",
      "updated_at": "2017-11-22T12:51:10Z"
      "id": 3,
      "object": "contactfieldtype",
      "name": "Facebook",
      "fontawesome_icon": "fa fa-facebook-official",
      "protocol": null,
      "delible": true,
      "type": null,
      "account": {
        "id": 1
      "created_at": "2017-11-22T12:51:10Z",
      "updated_at": "2017-11-22T12:51:10Z"
  "links": {
    "first": "https:\/\/app.monicahq.com\/api\/contactfieldtypes?page=1",
    "last": "https:\/\/app.monicahq.com\/api\/contactfieldtypes?page=1",
    "prev": null,
    "next": null
  "meta": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "from": 1,
    "last_page": 1,
    "path": "https:\/\/app.monicahq.com\/api\/contactfieldtypes",
    "per_page": 10,
    "to": 3,
    "total": 3

Get a specific contact type field

GET /contactfieldtypes/:id


  "data": {
    "id": 1,
    "object": "contactfieldtype",
    "name": "Email",
    "fontawesome_icon": "fa fa-envelope-open-o",
    "protocol": "mailto:",
    "delible": false,
    "type": "email",
    "account": {
      "id": 1
    "created_at": "2017-11-22T12:51:10Z",
    "updated_at": "2017-11-22T12:51:10Z"

Create a contact field type

POST /contactfieldtypes/


Name Type Description
name string Required. A short description of the contact field type. Max 255 characters.
fontawesome_icon string The class name of the Fontawesome icon that will be used when displaying the contact field. Max 255 characters.
protocol string The protocol (ie mailto:, tel:) used when clicking the contact field in the UI. Max 255 characters.
delible integer Indicates whether the contact field type can be deleted. Possible values: 0 (false), 1 (true).
type string Used on special occasions so we can manipulate data in the backend. Most of the time it has be set to null. Max 255 characters.


  "name": "Telegram",
  "fontawesome_icon": "fa fa-bath",
  "protocol": "telegram:",
  "delible": 1,
  "type": null


The API call returns a contact field type object if the call succeeds.

  "data": {
    "id": 37305,
    "object": "contactfieldtype",
    "name": "Telegram",
    "fontawesome_icon": "fa fa-bath",
    "protocol": "telegram:",
    "delible": true,
    "type": null,
    "account": {
      "id": 1
    "created_at": "2017-11-24T09:24:31Z",
    "updated_at": "2017-11-24T09:24:31Z"

Update a contact field type

PUT /contactfieldtypes/:id


Name Type Description
name string Required. A short description of the contact field type. Max 255 characters.
fontawesome_icon string The class name of the Fontawesome icon that will be used when displaying the contact field. Max 255 characters.
protocol string The protocol (ie mailto:, tel:) used when clicking the contact field in the UI. Max 255 characters.
delible integer Indicates whether the contact field type can be deleted. Possible values: 0 (false), 1 (true).
type string Used on special occasions so we can manipulate data in the backend. Most of the time it has be set to null. Max 255 characters.


  "name": "Telegram",
  "fontawesome_icon": "fa fa-bath",
  "protocol": "telegram:",
  "delible": 0,
  "type": "telegram"


  "data": {
    "id": 37305,
    "object": "contactfieldtype",
    "name": "Telegram",
    "fontawesome_icon": "fa fa-bath",
    "protocol": "telegram:",
    "delible": false,
    "type": "telegram",
    "account": {
      "id": 1
    "created_at": "2017-11-24T09:24:31Z",
    "updated_at": "2017-11-24T10:16:19Z"

Delete a contact field type

DELETE /contactfieldtypes/:id


The response sends back the id that was just deleted.

  "deleted": true,
  "id": 31


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